Dyslexia can be a devastating disability that causes people to struggle while reading even easy material, but one simple technique called “Paired Reading” has helped to increase the average reading ability of struggling readers by as much as 2 ½ grade levels in one school year. I know for a fact that this is true – it happened twice in my own classroom!
I hear you thinking, “What? There’s a ‘Success Zone’? What’s that? How do I pick a book in the ‘Success Zone’ for my student? Oh, I know. That’s easy! If my student is in the fourth grade, I should give him a book at the fourth-grade reading level . . . Right?”
Many of you have requested access to the presentation I give on dyslexia. This video was made at the Arizona Family Home Educators Conference on July 8th, 2017, and is the result of 30 years of experience working with this very special group of people who struggle with dyslexia...
Hi there! I’m Carol Fitzpatrick, and after many years of busy-ness (and perhaps a tiny bit of procrastination), I am finally getting my act together to start sharing my thoughts and heart about a very special group of people – dyslexics. I have spent the greater part of the last 40 years working with them in many roles: teacher, tutor, speaker, and most importantly, as Mom and Grandma. There are very few things in my life that I am more passionate about than helping dyslexics conquer their reading disabilities so they can move on to follow any path where their immense potential will lead them...