Crush the Disability, and Enjoy the Gifts!

Is someone you care about struggling with dyslexia?

Experience the joy of watching people conquer the disabilities of dyslexia --         and celebrate as they begin to enjoy its gifts.

Buy book "Crushing Dyslexia" now

It is our goal to help:


By giving them encouragement, information, and mentoring whenever it's needed — on the phone, in person, or at home schooling conferences.


By showing them how to accommodate and remediate struggling readers in their classrooms by using methods that are simple and very effective.


By providing up-to-date information and resources to help them do the best job possible in the limited time they have.

We're Here to Help!

Crushing Dyslexia provides many services to support the parents, teachers, and tutors who are trying to help struggling readers overcome dyslexia. We offer:

♦ Our new book, Crushing Dyslexia, Is available in both printed version and as an e-book. It is full of step-by-step instructions for anyone wanting to help dyslexics and other struggling readers.

♦ The book, "Help, I Can't Read!" How to Respond to Struggling Readers in Your Classroom (written specifically for classroom teachers)

♦ Seminars on how to use effective teaching methods

♦ Mentoring for parents, teachers, and tutors

♦ Professional development for schools

♦ Presentations on dyslexia for groups of any size

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